Saturday, December 12, 2009

Say "I am"

During this holiday season, with the hustle & bustle of gift-buying, the many parties, or the general business of it all, please remember to think of others.

Not only during this season, but all year long.  Think of this before you judge:  You never know someone's story.  You might not know what they have been through...or, are going through.

A cruel word can crush a person, but a kind word may save someone.


  1. Paulie, I haven't seen you lately. I hope all is well, and I love you for posting this. You are such a great soul.

  2. That's a great song. Who sings it? I must find it! :)

  3. Great message not just for the holiday, but everyday..... thanx for the reminder

    happy holidays...peace;)

  4. What a nice, timely message at this time of year. It's even more appropriate considering the climate these days. Have a cool Yule!

  5. Thank you, this is a great message that everyone should take to heart. I'm wishing you happiest of holidays! You are wonderful.

  6. love it! hope you had a fabulous weekend....i honored you with an award, by the way. love your blog!
